
Saturday, May 07, 2016

Meanwhile on Social Media:

They say that the ongoing digital discussion we are all having is changing the world in ways that we don’t really appreciate yet. It certainly accelerates things and provides a platform for those with points and issues to raise locally. Good to see issues brought to the fore, at least three of our local Highland Councillors are out there on Facebook too and it is a good place to bring things to their attention along with the more traditional methods. So much of the way we organise our lives and communicate with fellow citizens seems to be shifting to the Facebook platform. 

On the Nairn River Community page there is comment about the lack of road markings on Lochloy Road at the traffic lights junction. More about the dangers of Station Brae for pedestrians and notice of a meeting next Wednesday night. And why haven’t the zebra crossing markings been reinstated yet at the High Kirk? More here. 

On “Nairn when you were a bairn” an interesting conversation about the costs the kite mannie has to pay before he can set up the popular kites on the links. Maybe there might be some way to reduce the charges? More here on the popular Facebook Group. 

And on Nairn rocks Murd has highlighted a litter problem and thanks to the power of social media it looks as though it will be sorted very quickly. Interesting too to see the take up of local businesses taking advantage of the regular Friday night opportunity to highlight their products and services. The Nairn Rocks page is here. 

Nairn our Town our Views contains a lot of news that some of the usual suspects and serious students of local affairs might find interesting too. You can access the pages here. 

All this and more going on if there’s nothing happening here. Could be something on the Gurn twitter account too – quite a lot of local businesses and the Grunshire diaspora put content on twitter. You are limited to 240 characters but the opportunity to insert pictures, videos and sound fields is available.  More here.