
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Meanwhile down in Ardersier the uprising continues - will Highland Politicians have the bottle to support them?

It seems the site visit did eventually go ahead. Follow the latest here on the Ardersier folks campaign Facebook page. The decision by the Highland Council South Planning committee will be webcast here


  1. Roderick Ralph3:31 PM

    Will highland councillors support us?

    My answer is probably not !!! If they do it will be a waste of the protesters time. For years I have been trying to rally support to stop the Disgusting stench at Nairn East Beach WWTP.

    Dispite indicating my mistrust of the Council Officials and addressing my letters directly to the Council Leaders, all I achieved was the Highland Council Leaders 'rubber stamping' replies written by Council officials.

    These replies cast doubt on my integrity and requested I fill in a diary for 14 days to prove to them the 'stench' exists although they have known this for years.

    I wish you every success but unfortunately I sincerely believe you are wasting your time.

    I have copies of the highland council's replies on file.

    Roderick Ralph

  2. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Certainly looks like the local SNP Councillor in the front row of the demo. Glynis Sinclair - well done!

  3. Anonymous5:04 PM

    there is nowt like the smell of sewerage in our area,it fairly clears the lungs out,its brilliant stuff.
