Sunday, November 06, 2016

Huntlaidh 4 Inbhir Narann 6 - Sgioba Siorrachd Narann a' libhrigeadh toileachais 's fìor-bhrìgh ioma-fhillte na chois

Bho thaobh neach leantainn, nuair a bhuannaich Siorrachd Narann feasgar an-dè aig Huntlaidh, chuir sin làmh air an Holy Grail. Dh'fhalbh luchd-leantainn Siorrachd Narann gu slaodadh as dèidh a' gheama as dèidh a thàinig an cluicheadairean don ionnsaidh gus a bhuail am basan air an son. Bha iad bruidhinn ri chèile aig deireadh a' gheama - geama a chaidh na fhaoinsgeul fiu's mus robh e seachad. Chan eil na faclan ann, bha e mar gum bidh nach robh sin buileach cinnteach gun robh e fìor, gun robh a h-uile càil a chunnaic sinn mu ar beulaibh air a thachairt ann an dha-rìreabh. “Do-chreidsinneach” sgrìobh Graeme MacLeòid air làrach a' cluba.

An sgioba ùr air a thogail bhon luaithre nuair a dh'fhàg na sponsairean mòra aig toiseach an sèasan an aghaidh sgioba Huntlaidh le ceithir seann “reultan” Siorrachd Narann na bhroinn. Chunnaic sinn dealas agus sraon, an toil amh dìreach a bhith a' cluich son an lèine. Thànaig am barr measgachadh nach gabh ceannaich le airgead a sreub Huntlaidh as chèile. Bha fìor-bhrìgh uabhasach ann – fìor-bhrìgh a bha ioma-fhillte cuideachd. Gach mìle air ar rathad dhachaigh bha sinn fhathast a' toirt a-steach de cho cudromach 's bha e agus abair thusa gu bheil dheagh shunnd fhathast mu thimchioll oirnn sa mhadainn seo.

It football supporter terms yesterday afternoon's 4-6 win by County at Huntly touched the Holy Grail. County fans slowly left the ground  after the players went towards the enclosure to applaud them. Fans spoke to each other at the end of the game – a game that was already legend even before the final whistle blew. Words failed really, it was almost as if we were pinching ourselves to see if what we had witnessed had really happened. “Unbelievable” wrote Graeme MacLeod on the club website.

The new County team rebuilt from the ashes of the departure of the main sponsors just before the start of the season took on a Huntly side that contained four former County stars. We saw commitment and drive, the sheer raw will to play for the shirt; a mixture that money can't buy coalesced into a collective talent that ripped Huntly apart in the second half. It had a multi-layered significance it was awesome. The depth of it all sank in even more every mile of the road home and the shared glow still resonates this morning.  

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