
Saturday, January 13, 2018

Morganti land development - RSPB recommend breeding bird survey

"RSPB Scotland has considered the above development and supporting documents but takes no view at present on the merits, or otherwise, of the proposals. We note that the development site has been allowed to naturalise into a relatively wild urban area comprising of mature trees, scrub and rough grassland. Such areas can be important habitats for local birds for breeding, feeding and roosting.

We recommend that a breeding bird survey is carried out and submitted prior to the determination of the application, to inform the layout and design of the development and the identification of measures to minimise and mitigate the effects on local bird populations. 

Secondly, it would be desirable to retain and incorporate as many of the existing mature trees as possible into the development as habitat for both breeding and roosting birds. We would also welcome and support the inclusion in the landscaping proposals of native trees such as rowan, which would provide food for wintering and migrant birds."


  1. Ecowarrior1:49 PM

    This Morganti land is indeed a prolific bird breeding and nesting area, as the dawn chorus on an early summers day can testify.I am surprised more bird enthusiasts have not added their objections to this proposed land development. I feel that Scottish Natural Heritage should also be involved given the presence of squirrels and other protected species This tiny, but significant piece of land needs to be protected from development of any kind to safeguard this "Green Lung".

  2. Anonymous11:48 PM

    It is interesting to see that a previous town councillor has made an objection to the proposal. His points are extremely valid non the less.

  3. David Nicoll8:18 AM

    We need affordable housing and this site is perfect for it, the only thing wrong with this development is that the access should be through the industrial estate, thus using the sainsbury's roundabout rather than another junction onto the A96.

  4. Anonymous1:05 PM

    This is also where the Capercailie hung out a few years ago !!!

  5. Anonymous7:52 PM

    In reply to David Nicoll. Housing with open access to an industrial estate? Child safety has to be paramount, and if you have not been up there lately, just go and have a look at the heavy goods and wood lorries which park there overnight. Where would you go and play if you were a young lad and had the misfortune to live there...yes the industrial estate. Parental nightmare waiting to happen!!!

  6. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Whatever parcel of land becomes available in Nairn a developer will always apply for planning for a greater density of housing in the knowledge that they'll be beaten back by the planners and hopefully then arrive at a figure that they had in mind anyway.

    It's rare for a developer to get knocked back completely and even if they do they'll just keep resubmitting plans year after year in the hope that at some point in the future they'll be accepted.

    Some coastal towns such as Hopeman have seen planning applications put forward that would more than double the size of their existing towns

    It's all about money, not people
