
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Car parking charges latest – Tom Heggie: “There are no proposals on the table for us as councillors to consider so we can't pass anything on to yourselves.”

At the Nairn West and Suburban CC meeting in the Community and Arts Centre on Monday night, Dick Youngson, the NWSCC chair, asked the three Highland Councillors present if there was any new information on parking charges. He got the following response from Tom Heggie. 

“As was reported at Nairn River (Community Council) while we were there, the new Chief Executive in conjunction with Councillors has taken a view that there has to be a wider consultation and there will be an independent consultant. There is a change fund that will be used for this. 

We don't have any time zone on that at them moment as far as I'm aware but that will include, just looking at the wider issues around infrastructure, localism and so on. As was pointed out to me, at different times and places, the budget leader made a statement and he has made it throughout the whole of Highland, that a year ago there was insufficient consultation. So there is now, not just where car parking charges have yet to be introduced but also where they have already been introduced and just looking at a pattern for the whole of Highland. So we await that particular process. There are no proposals on the table for us as councillors to consider so we can't pass anything on to yourselves.”

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