
Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Slow response to call for nominations for Community Councils across Highland Council area - election date put back

The text from an e-mail from Highland Council concerning the forthcoming community council elections has been surfacing in Nairn social media circles. We reproduce it here for the attention of all serious students of Community Council matters. 

"Due to a slow response to the call for nominations across the Highland Council area, the deadline for nominations has now been extended to 12 noon on Tuesday 29th October.

The Election date has therefore been changed to Wednesday 4 December 2019 and not 20 November 2019 as was previously advised.

Existing Community Councils will continue in place until 11.59 on Tuesday 3rd December."

Here at the Gurn we believe that a large measure of this slow input maybe because many Community Councillors may feel that they and their communities have been ignored by Highland Council and recent moves towards "localism" have had little or no effect. Thus, quite a few might be packing it in and other citizens feel less than motivated to get involved as an effective way of getting things done for their community. 

In Nairn too of course we had this ( Nairn River Community Council told it has to shut down by Highland Council ) and whatever the rights and wrongs of it it left a bad taste in its wake. Perhaps people feel too that if they want to achieve anything then perhaps single issue campaigns are the best way forward such as the ship to ship oil transfers campaign of getting behind Nairn BID in its stop the car parking charges. 

Efforts are being made on social media to encourage citizens to stand for Nairn's Community Council but it remains to be seen if enough candidates will come forward to fill all 23 vacancies. 


  1. Anonymous7:27 PM

    The Towns Councillors have sickened everybody with their behaviour towards Community Councillors in Nairn. Why would you be bother to stand just to be abused by that lot? I'D RATHER DIE IN A DITCH!

  2. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Why put yourself up for election just to be ignored by the powers that be if you get in?
