
Saturday, September 04, 2021

Lochloy Residents say No to foot/cycle bridge to Balmakeith and Yes to a road with active travel across railway (and some community facilities please…)

 Details on the Nairn River Community Council pages here.


  1. Anonymous3:00 PM

    If Lochloy get a bridge over the railway, why can't Tradespark?
    We've got a wee level crossing for pedestrians and cyclists.
    That's got to be a lot cheaper than a bridge.
    And in terms of "community facilities", what do Lochloy folk want that they think Nairn Suburban has? They took our community hall away 20 years ago, with a promise of a new one ..... Still never appeared.
    At least the Lochloy folk have a great golf club with cheap social membership for wining and dining and TV sports.

  2. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Yep another level crossing and more traffic lights hmm...

  3. Anonymous8:40 AM

    We have no lights on ours. Why do folk in Lochloy need lights?
    If a train is coming, you wait until it's passed by.
    Common sense abounds in Tradespark :-)
