
Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Nairn Town and County Bike shed

The staff at Nairn Town and County hospital are delighted they now have a new lockable bike shed with capacity for 10 bikes thanks to funding from Cycling Scotland. This frees up the other cycle racks for patients. Cycling is already popular in Nairn as it is relatively flat and cycle routes such as the one past Nairn Academy and another over the Jubilee Bridge and onwards to Auldearn provide convenient, largely off- road access to the hospital from many parts of Nairn. Anne Thomas, a Speech and language therapist based at the hospital, said: "I cycle to Inverness Station and put my folding bike on the train and can then cycle to visits in the town and to my office in the hospital. It keeps me fit and reduces my carbon footprint and is a good example to the kids I visit. If more staff and patients did the same it would have a positive impact on people's health and carbon footprint and also help reduce pressure on the car park.”